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Re: mail port

> I have a question... you can telnet to a mail port (25) and send mail 
> from it,,to any person, and put it's from anybody you want, are you not 
> suppose to do this,, or can anybody do this, can the mail be tracked ?? 
> It would seem like a big security flaw if you could send false mail so 
> easily... ??? 

Ease of forgery is a well-known problem with SMTP and NNTP. "You" are
"not supposed" to do this, but the ability to do so is hard to
remove without breaking universal mail delivery. 

Logging, "Received:" headers, and address/ident lookups by sendmail do make
forgery detectable in many cases, and use of digital signatures
like PGP can provide checks on who wrote a message.

This is not really an issue for www-security, however....

    Albert Lunde                      Albert-Lunde@nwu.edu
